Should you find yourself in the situation of suspecting you have a leaking shower, then call the number one leaking showers repair & sealing company on the Gold Coast.
Shower Sealed have exclusive Ultra Bond Technology that can seal over 95% of leaking showers without the need to remove tiles, saving you, your clients, and or your family, time, money and hassle.
A Standard service time ranges from 2.5 hours to 4 hours, and usually the leaking shower can be used within 24 to 48 hours, depending on the leaking showers service.
As we are fully licensed and insured, we can also provide traditional waterproofing, tiling and or shower renovation services as needed.
Most services are backed with a Guarantee
Shower Sealed perform a thorough inspection on your leaking showers throughout Gold Coast, Tweed Coast & Brisbane. The team that perform our inspections have years of experience within the industry seeing literally 1000’s upon 1000’s of leaking showers prior to coming to yours or your clients property.
Free Quotes on leaking showers Gold Coast, Tweed Coast & Brisbane
Please call us on 1300 519 133 or fill in our online call back form today