You have two choices when you find out the shower is leaking: take the DIY route or call a waterproofing expert.
What should you do to fix your shower is leaking?
Trying to fix the problem yourself is generally not a good idea. You may be able to re-grout the tiles and reseal the joints yourself, but if the workmanship is poor the result won’t look good or last for very long. You also risk diagnosing the wrong problem, which can leave the issue unresolved and make the problem far worse.
For these reasons, you should have a waterproofing expert come to assess the shower.
Using their expert knowledge and the latest inspection tools, they will diagnose the problem and recommend the correct repair method. Most waterproofing services come with a service guarantee – so you can rest easy at night.
Of course, there are quick and easy tests you can do yourself before the technician arrives. Here are the most common sources of shower leaks and how to identify them.
Tiled Shower Floor
Tiled surfaces are one of the most common causes of leaks. Due to the natural effects of building movement, both the tiles and grout will start to break down and expose the surface to water.
There is a very simple test you can do to find out if water is breaching the shower floor.
First, give the shower a quick clean and allow the surface to dry. Use duct tape to cover the drain so water cannot get through. Lastly, use a different source of water – other than the shower head – to fill the cubicle with some water.
Use a marker to indicate where the water currently sits. Let the water sit for at least 30 minutes and see if the level starts to drop. If so, the floor is then leaking. So you’ll need to either strip out or replace the grout, or replace any damaged tiles to fix the leaking shower.
Tiled Shower Wall
However, if the water level remains the same, the leak could be coming from the tiled shower walls.
Thankfully, testing this is also easy. Simply remove the duct tape, let the water drain, and allow the tiled surface to dry once more. From a source that is not the shower head, fill up an empty bucket with water.
Use the bucket to gently splash different parts of the wall. Take the time to thoroughly inspect each wall before you move onto the next one. If you notice cracks in the tile grout, or the sealant that connects the wall junctions is damaged, you’ll need to have these sections repaired.
Shower Drain
If none of the above tests have narrowed down the problem, the issue could be the drain. In most cases, a shower drain will leak if there is a crack.
To test the drain for leaks, first you need to remove the drain cover. Depending on the type of cover you have, this may be as simple as twisting it off, or using a screwdriver to remove a few bolts.
From there, use a bottle of water to pour water down and around the drain. If you start to notice stains around the drain – or you have found a stain in the ceiling directly below the shower – then you have found the source of the problem.
Plumbing repairs can be complex. Call a professional to ensure the correct repair method is used.
Still can’t find the source of your shower leak? Shower Sealed can quickly diagnose your leaking shower and fix it on the spot. To arrange a FREE inspection and quote, call 1300 519 133 today.